Latest Exhibitions
Ars Electronica Festival 2023
Linz, Austria
Sept 6 – 10, 2023
From September 6 to 10, 2023, Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria, will once again turn into a meeting place for artists, scientists, developers, designers, entrepreneurs, and activists from all over the world. The question that will be focused on by Europe’s largest festival for art, technology, and society will be: “Who Owns the Truth?” The central location will be—the legendary POSTCITY, in which the festival has already been able to guest-host from 2015 to 2019.


個展 Tides of Light(ニューヨーク)
Tides of Light
BioBAT Art Space, Brooklyn, New York
May 6 - September 9, 2023
"Tides of Light" is a contemplative exhibition by Japanese bio-artist and researcher Yoko Shimizu. This collection of work invites viewers to appreciate how non-human life can inform the artistic process and even be welcomed as intelligent and creative collaborators. Drawing inspiration from the scientific exploration of natural elements, Shimizu creates a series of installations that explore the intelligent properties of living systems. She seeks to make the invisible visible and sonify the inaudible, shedding light on the imperceptible.
Misalignment Museum
1699 3rd St. San Francisco, CA, 94158
March 3, 2023 - ongoing
The Misalignment Museum is a space dedicated to exploring Artificial Intelligence and contemplating the potential of technology through thought-provoking artworks created by innovative artists from around the world. SonoSynthesis, a project that fuses biotechnology and AI to create music, is currently being showcased in the exhibition.

Misalignment Museum(サンフランシスコ)

Imagine Another Gravity 今日美術館(北京)
Imagine Another Gravity
Today Art Museum, Beijing
April 6 - July 9, 2023
On April 6, 2023, the opening ceremony of the exhibition "想象另一种引力: Imagine Another Gravity" and the book launch of the same name was held in Hall 1 of Today Art Museum, co-organized by the Science and Technology Communication Center of China Association for Science and Technology, China National Geographic Books, Today Art Museum, and as Science and Art Research Center. The exhibition aims to fuse the seemingly divisive "science" and "art" to bring a cross-border expression that breaks through the conventions and stimulates the imagination, showing the unprecedented beauty of science.
Vibrant Matter
BioBAT Art Space, Brooklyn, New York
October 8, 2022 - April 26, 2023
Vibrant Matter is a solo exhibition by Japanese bio-artist and researcher Yoko Shimizu that features a selection of the artist’s work exploring the dynamism, agency, and expressive potential of living systems. Working with plants, microbial organisms, and natural phenomena as subject matter, material, and artistic collaborators, Shimizu’s work probes and reveals the invisible intra-acting forces that animate processes of creation, adaptation, growth, and transformation in all organic matter.

個展 Vibrant Matter(ニューヨーク)

Ars Electronica Festival 2022
Linz, Austria
Sept 5 – 11, 2022
From September 7 to 11, 2022, Linz once again hosted a “Festival for Art, Technology and Society” where participants from science, business, the creative and art scenes from the local region and around the world contributed their perspectives.
Festival Theme: Welcome to Planet B – A different life is possible! But How? A festival takes on the challenging search for answers to the contradictions of our time.
Moon Gallery
International Space Station (ISS)
February 19, 2022 - ongoing
Moon Gallery is an international collaborative artwork and a gallery of ideas worth sending to the Moon. The project aims to set up the first permanent museum on the Moon by launching 100 artifacts within the compact format of 10 a 10 x 1cm plate on a lunar lander exterior panelling. "To Space, From Earth - Space Art DNA Capsule" is now part of the first off-planet gallery aboard the International Space Station. What are the ideas we want to promote into the future? What are the ideas we want to leave behind?

Moon Gallery(国際宇宙ステーション ISS)

Creative Symbiosis - The Future of Design(NEW ENERGY 東京)
Shinjuku Sumitomo Building Triangle Square
Tokyo, Japan
February 17 - 19, 2022
NEW ENERGY, curated by Blue Marble, is a festival for sustainable design encompassing exhibitions, markets, and media. How can human creativity contribute to the future of
Earth? Leading fashion brands and designers from around the country come together to showcase their latest creations in the event held at the heart of Tokyo. Yoko Shimizu presents her latest projects as part of the “Creative Symbiosis - The Future of Design” series.
Ars Electronica Festival 2021
Linz, Austria
Sept 8 - 12, 2021
Digitization doesn’t change our world but it does, however, radically change HOW and WHAT we can or must deal with in this world. The Festival for Art, Technology and Society presents numerous exhibitions, conferences, concerts, performances and tours in Linz, Austria, from September 8 - 12, 2021. The locations range from the city center to the Ars Electronica Center to “Kepler’s Gardens” on the campus of Johannes Kepler University.


The Future Happened アトランタ・デザイン美術館(アメリカ)
The Future Happened
Museum of Design Atlanta (MODA)
Atlanta, USA
Online from 9 April 2021
Exploring how design can be key in sharing our stories and amplifying our power to make a difference in the world. Examining innovation and technology that enhances
connections and opens doors, reinforcing our capacity to spark change. "To Space, From Earth - Space Art DNA Capsule" reference life on Earth and the current challenges we face referencing human population growth, consumption and degradation, and preservation of Earth’s biodiversity.
MOT Annual
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT)
14 Nov 2020 - 14 Feb 2021
Tokyo, Japan
Yoko Shimizu exhibits her latest art projects in the “MOT Annual 2020 - Invisible Powers” Exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT). The museum presents a group exhibition every year to introduce the latest achievements in Japanese Art. The exhibition celebrates young Japanese artists who represent the current art scene
from diverse and distinct perspectives. Yoko Shimizu is one of the selected artists in the MOT Annual 2020. In the exhibition, she presents innovative artworks that explore
biology, chemistry, and nature.